Natural Hair Treatment

Do you want shiny, healthy, soft hair? These ingredients will fill your mane with vitamins and nutrients that will wash away a lot of the damage you feel when you run your hands through your hair now.

I do this incredible treatment once a week and leave in the mixture for about an hour before shampooing and conditioning.

Use about 1/3 cup of coconut oil (more or less depending on how much hair you have). Melt it in the microwave and rub it into your scalp and hair.

Crack open 1 egg, scramble it up in a bowl and then pour in over your head. You’re looking real good right about now, but wait!

Saran wrap your hair onto your head or use a shower cap. Yeah, I’m serious. You need to lock in all the good stuff to get the best effects.

Here are a few more treatments for more specific needs. I have yet to try all of them but I can say confidently that I’m sure they work!

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